oooey gooey sticky post

Jun 26, 2020 00:18

I figured I had better do this as my other welcome note was old and didn’t really make sense!

So howdy! You’re either here wondering who I am and why I’ve friended you, or have somehow stumbled in unawares.

This journal is mostly locked bar some fandom posts - nope mostly locked now, but if you have been linked to something and want access, do let me know!

But I love new friends and will friend back unless:

1) We don’t have interests/friends in common and/or I have no idea who you are.
So comment here and tell me how you found me, or who you are.

2) You’re under 18.

If I’ve friended you and I haven’t told you who I am, poke me with a stick and demand I tell you. And I will. Because I like being poked with sticks.

So, if all that’s savvy, come on in, put your feet up and grab a nice hot cup of random.


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