Aug 05, 2006 23:05
I'm feeling much better. I am still in a lot of pain when I wake up and I still have to take painkillers (but I'm down to only about three times a day!!!) but I am almost better!!! :D I've even started eating food again!!
On the plus side, I went to weight watchers today and I lost 3.2 pounds this week! That puts my total at weight watchers at 9 pounds lost! And my total from when I got home from London 15 pounds!!!! You may not think that's a lot, but I don't care because I know how hard it is for me and I am darn proud!!! Hooray!!
I can't wait until Monday - they are taking the dressing out of my wound. lol that's gross. There's dressing down in one of the holes that tastes like cloves and it's horrible, and I can't wait to get it out. Plus I'm really hoping that everything will be wonderful when I go there and I won't have to make another appointment or have anything else put in my mouth! Fingers crossed.
I'm still trying to rest up and everything - I want to be completely better by the time I go to school! Work yesterday was completely exhausting. But I'm still doing much much better!!
I haven't seen too many people lately. (shrug) I'm leaving in two weeks from yesterday.
And you should come to the bonfire, if you like! Monday the 14th at 7pm at the beach at Brookhurst. And if you want to bring any kind of food/drinks/wood or anything it would be VERY much appreciated since I have about $400 in my bank account and that will be gone within a couple weeks of grocery shopping. I hope I can get a job right when I get there, otherwise I have to cash in my savings bonds. And if THOSE run out... frankly, I'm screwed! I won't go back to mustard sandwiches, I won't!!
I miss you guys. I'm going to miss you a lot more pretty soon.
I'm so excited for Sonoma though. Terribly nervous... like unbelievably nervous. But I'm SO excited!
Okay I'm watching Legally Blonde so I'm going to go. Bye!