I'm kinda bored

Jun 27, 2006 19:21

3 Years ago today!

How old were you?: 18
What grade year were you in?: I had just graduated from high school and was about to start at Depauw
Where did you go to school?: West Ottawa High School/DePauw
Where did you work?: West Ottawa High School Pool as a life guard and swim instructor
Where did you live?: Holland, MI
How was your hair style? Very long like it is now
Did you wear braces?: Nope already had them taken off
Did you wear glasses?: sometimes, contacts mostly
Who was your best friend? alison, kelli, and stefanie
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend: no body, I wanted to be single going into college
Who was your celebrity crush?: no clue, prolly orlando bloom
Who was your regular-person crush?: didn't have one
How many tattoos did you have?: zip, i'm terrified of needles
How many piercings did you have?: one in each ear
What car did you drive?: a silver chevy astro van
What was your favorite band/group?: I don't think i really had one, I would just listen to whatever was on the radio
What was your worst fear?: needles
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: nope
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: nope
Had you driven yet? yea lots, i lived in my car
Had you been to a real party yet?: not really, just the parties i threw and i don't think those count
Had your heart broken?: yes
Had broken someone's heart?: I don't think so

How old are you?: 21
What grade are you in?: senior in college
Where do you go to school?: Grand Valley State University
Where do you work?: Eddie Bauer
Where do you live? Walker, MI
Where do you hang out? my apartment, Matt's apartment, DePauw
How is your hair style?: Long and curly
Do you have braces?: nope but i prolly should get them again b/c my jaw is kinda messed up
Do you wear glasses?: again sometimes but mostly contacts
Who is your best friend?: alison, kelli, stefanie, carolyn, michelle, and matthew
Still talk to any of your old friends?: or course all the time
Who is you bf/gf? Matthew, the love of my life
Who is your celebrity crush?: don't really have one anymore
Who is your regular-person crush: Matthew
How many piercings have you had?: one in each ear same as before
How many tattoos?: none, the whole needle thing
What kind of car do you have? '93 toyota camry
What is your biggest fear?: needles and being alone
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: nope my lungs are really tempermental
Have you been to a real party?: i'm in college or course i have.
Has your heart been broken?: yeah but not in the last 3 years
Have you broken someone's heart?: not that i know of

I really need to find something to do w/ my time when i'm all alone. If you have any ideas I would greatly appreciate them!!!
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