I was bored last night. When LJ finally decided to start working again I started playing around with my journal layout and... oops... deleted the one I was using without making copy of the CSS so I was forced to actually get a new one (since I haven't the slightest clue where I got the other one although I'm still looking around).
Anyway, found this one at
fruitstyle. It's simple and elegant and I like that. But it took me all night to decide on a layout that would actually work with my page and show all the things I wanted it to show except I lost the tag list but oh well. Of course, I've always had an issue with web design (once put together a webpage from scratch just for the hell of it... it's long since been lost) so I played around and read some tutorials and next thing I knew it was 3am and my husband was leaving for work, lol.
I've gotten nothing done this morning although somehow I convinced my 8yo to clean the house without actually doing anything. I got up and said we were cleaning house today. When I was done with my morning soda at least. Next thing I know she's got everything straightened up and is scrubbing counters even though I repeatedly told her she didn't have to do that. Kids. If only they were all as super cool as Brenna.
Now I need a kick in the pants to get writing. I've gotten nothing done over the last few days. Well, that's not true. I wrote a little the other night but got frustrated and tossed the notebook across the room. Grrr. I can't focus. And then my husband got me the shiny new phone and I keep messing with that when I should be writing. Damn distractions.
I just don't know what to write for
het_bigbang and that's ticking me off and scaring the crap out of me with NaNo coming up. If I can't figure out a 25k word story how the hell am I going to write a 50k one in November? All my plot bunnies seem to be in hibernation.