real life: now I'm just aggravated

May 17, 2011 11:41

Grrr.  I'm so sick of this crap.  I went to make the baby a bottle about an hour ago to find out they turned our water off.  Great.  It's not the first time because my husband would rather spend the money on things other than utility bills and leaves them until they are past-due so they tack on even more fees.

So I text my husband.  He tells me it can be paid online now.  Wonderful.  Problem is he took the bill with him along with the checkbook because he was going to pay it... someday in the past and just didn't feel like it once he was out.  So I texted him back to find out how much the bill is and then I have to figure out what our routing/account number because it's cheaper to pay with a check than with a credit/debit ($2 fee for check/4% fee for credit/debit).  Grrr.

Of course, he's working so he hasn't texted me back.  Jack eventually fell asleep on the floor hungry.  He hasn't eaten since probably 8:30am and is going to wake up screaming in like an hour.  I was on my way out the door to buy a gallon of water when he texted me about paying it online.  I can't freaking pay it if I don't know how much it was or if we even have enough in the checking account.  Meanwhile we can't flush toilets (which is a HUGE deal with as many people as we have in the family), I can't cook, I can't make bottles, can't wash hands.  We have no back up water supply.

Our water bill is crazy high, too.  The last bill I have for Feb/Mar is $181!  That's $90/month (the bill includes sewer and storm drain fees).  Oy.  It will go up in the summer with the kids having to take showers more often because they get all sweaty.  As it is they only take them as needed so if they stay inside all week they only take one (on Sunday).  But with the dishwasher going every day and the constant laundry I have.  Plus the cost of water here is just plain high.

Still waiting for him to get back to me so I can pay the damn bill.  It's a little over a mile walk to the store to buy water and a mile back which takes me over an hour while dragging Nora along (we just did it yesterday to get Subway).  And as soon as I pick Jack up to put him in the stroller he's going to freak out and start crying for a bottle.

After this I'm going to rinse out all our milk jugs and start storing water for emergencies.

Okay, got the bill paid.  We didn't have enough in the checking account to cover it.  The bill was for $199!  We only had $189 so I had to transfer $100 from the savings to cover the cost plus make sure we had enough to buy formula for the baby.  Grrr.  I hate the end of the pay period.  Everything gets super tight.  Luckily payday is on Friday.

I'm not sure when they will turn the water back on, though, so we're off to the store to buy a couple gallons (and maybe some donuts for our trouble).  If it's not back on when the kids get home at 4pm I'm going to see if they can take some containers over to the park and fill them up (if there is a tap there...the kids would know).

And, no, I don't know any of our neighbors well enough to even approach let alone ask for buckets of water.

frustration, rant, ugh, life

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