writing without sleep

Apr 21, 2011 18:05

I have always found it interesting that I do some of my best writing sleep deprived.  That's considering when I'm sleep deprived I'm barely functioning and every little thing upsets me and I start to feel like I'm losing my mind.

I've been up for about 34 hours straight now with just a 40 minute nap around 3am.  I just tried at 5pm to lie down but as soon as my head hit the pillow, before I even found a comfortable position, the kids started barging in wanting things from me.  My husband is home.  He's in the other room playing video games so, naturally, he can't be bothered with trivial things like dinner and diaper changes.  Sigh.

Back to writing.  I gave up around 4am with trying to sleep.  My sinuses were draining into my throat and gagging me.  So I got up and played on the computer for awhile.  Around 6am I decided to tackle a prompt and had for a challenge and everything clicked into place.  For an hour I wrote and I loved the story.  It turned out so good.

My husband got up and told me to go lie down for a nap (like a unruly child even though he was being just as unreasonable and mouthy).  I refused to lie down because if I had fallen asleep I would have slept the whole day and we had shopping to do.  So, instead, I started working on story 5 and low and behold the story seemed to come to me.  I wrote like 15 pages of really good stuff and now I'm thinking I might get this one done and then #6 is started and is going to be short (hopefully under 1000 words).  I already have ideas for the next 3 stories after that and could possibly get them written (if I could get some sleep).

I write great when I 've had just the write amount of caffeine and lack of sleep but eventually it all falls apart.  Now I can't control my eye muscles so my eyes keep crossing.  Makes writing really hard, lol.  It's now 6pm here.  7:30 will mark 36 hours awake.  Sigh.  Might as well just stay up until the kids are in bed at 8pm.

Back to typing up story 5, I guess.  Really need to think of a name for this one.

life, writing

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