Dave's Killer Bread If you live on the West Coast and haven't tried this bread...I just have no words for you. Go check your local Costco, bet they have it. And for the rest of the US... it's worth ordering a loaf online.
The story behind Dave's Killer Bread is pretty interesting, too. The creator, Dave, was a convicted felon that eventually returned to his family business: a bakery. His
story is pretty interesting (and entertaining in the way he told it).
But, really, it's all about the bread. My favorite is the "yellow" kind. Good Seed as it's called. We've also had 21 Whole Grains, Blues Bread and Powerseed. Good Seed and 21 Whole Grains sell at the Costcos around here. The other ones we found at local supermarkets (Safeway is where I usually get it). Recently they started carrying some of their other varieties so I picked up a loaf of Rye. Can't wait to try it out (I'm sure it will be well worth the $5 I spent on it).
Even as I'm writing this post my mouth is watering and I'm considering having a piece of toast for a snack. I had one slice for breakfast. I just saw on their website that they make Good Seed in a low-cal variety. Too bad I've never seen that in the stores.
I'm so hungry now.