"I'm uncomfortable with this on so many levels..."
Anyone else have a thing against advertising their fic? It just seems weird to paste links to my stuff all over (like in the rec comms and stuff). I don't know why. If I ever became a published author I'd be screwed with all the publicity stuff. I hate it. Maybe I'm just weird.
Of course, I also
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Comments 14
I read the S/J rec thread at GateWorld but I don't post. That's how I find all the good fics to read.
If haters think spreading the fandom squee is shameless, I say let them flounce themselves into obscurity.
1. 'Please read & review! Reviews are LOVE! =)'
2. 'Please let me know if you liked this chapter n i will rite more if there's enuff commentz <3'
3. 'I don't know if this is allowed on this Sam/Jack community but I wrote a Maybourne/MarySue plz read & let me know you love itttt!!111!!'
1. Completely linked story header with spoiler & content warnings at relevant communities whose readers CRAVE the content you're posting
2. A Tweet that links to your latest blog entry or archived fan work
3. A Tumblr post announcing your latest fan work
4. Providing links to your latest fan work to a relevant fan newsletter/bulletin board
5. Archiving fan works at multiple sites in case one of them fails (I'm looking at YOU, LiveJournal)
My public LJ posts automatically get sent to my twitter so I guess I have that. Maybe I should start posting to the Sam/Jack comms here.
A lot of what I write is for prompt-challenges (like ncisdrabble100) so I post the stories at my journal, then a link at the origial community. For stuff like 24_times (I'm doing a table of Abby/McGee from NCIS) or 100_tales (another table, Sam/Jack) I post to those and an appropriate fandom-based community.
If somebody asks something like, "does anybody know any stories with ___?" and I've written some, I'll share the links, but that's usually in a reply to one person's entry.
I know some people expect dozens and dozens of comments on their writing, but I feel pretty darn special to get eight or ten!
I don't expect anything either. I'm thrilled if I get like 2 or 3. I usually get a couple on my LJ from friends but most I get at ff.net but still I only ever get like 3 or 4. I still wonder how people end up with hundreds of reviews. Shrug. I'm not in it for my ego so I really don't care.
Getting excited squee from my friends on LJ is the best. I prefer that over a hundred "good story" at ff.net.
Have you ever heard of him, you ask? Probably not. He's published several novels, a half-dozen volumes of poetry, and a book of short stories, but he frantically quashed his agent's scheme to get a single paragraph review of his first novel published in People magazine before it could come to pass. I knew then that he was not going to be following his buddy John Irving into the land of fantastic commercial success!
I have a terrible time pimping my own work. If I write comment fic, I view it as a bit of a gift to the recipient, and I kind of feel funny directing people off to their space to see my work, so I'd say about half of what I've written is known to only a select group of the author, and those people who came along to comment after I did.
I admire lolmac's ability for cheerful (and never OTT or in bad ( ... )
Yep, exactly.
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