Not to highlight my craziness or anything but...
Here's a new writing landcomm. No, I'm not joining it, exactly. I actually co-own it and we're kicking things off on December 1st (yes, I've been helping set up and plan this while having a nervous breakdown and it's the only thing that kept me sane at one point).
Do you like to write? Want a
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What we have at writerverse is 2 (for the moment) teams. As an owner I'm not on a team, I root for them all and if I participate in a challenge my points go to whichever team got the lowest points for that challenge (takes the pressure off of me so I like that). Anyway, every few days or so we'll put out another challenge. We've opened up this comm to every kind of creative writing and we're hoping people will not only do challenges they are comfortable with (ie fanfic) but try something new (like haiku or screenplays). Most challenges will be open to any kind of writing with a theme or prompt to write from in whatever medium the person chooses but others are going to be specific to something, like poetry.
And I'm sure at least one challenge will be a group effort. We started out as fictionland but the owner went off to college so we moved on (with her blessings eventually) and we did a team round robin kind of challenge but instead of continuing the story with each person (since we all wrote different fandoms or original fic) we had to choose a line from the previous story and use it in ours. All were drabbles. I got 14 pretty good little fics out of that.
Seriously, you should come over. You only have to do like 1 challenge every 2 weeks to stay active. We, obviously, encourage more but we understand we are all real people living in the real world and not everyone can sit at a computer all hours of the day, lol. I mean, if you later decide you don't want to do it you can always leave. We won't have any hard feelings. I swear. We just want everyone to have fun and, hopefully, learn something about writing.
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