(no subject)

Dec 04, 2005 19:46

Ya know, I really don't find too much time to update but nothing too exciting has been happening so I am not sure that a more frequent update is necessary... Finals are upon us. I have one actual test on Wed. then two 'meetings' I can't wait to do the eval for one class. Have you ever had a person treat you like a 3rd grader.... imagine experiencing that for 10 weeks!! I haven't liked this class from the start, and it finally started dawning on other people later. This women was always condescending, and she picked on people, like there is only one male in our class and she would always point him out for shit, how fair is that! She would talk to us like we couldn't understand and oh GRR I could bitch about this woman for three days!
My quarter was actually pretty good. I have had some rough spots where I have wondered how I even make it through the day. I have gotten used to about six hours of sleep each night if I'm lucky. Whats nice about that though is that I go straight into a deep sleep and i don't wake up till my alarm goes off. It is glorious. I am having a hard time finding compassion for my residents that are stressing about finals. My whole quarter was like finals week with the amount of work that i had to do and stress level. I enjoyed most of my classes but they definitely were time consuming.
I am totally looking forward to the break. I will be staying in the halls for most of break which is nice and also lonely. I will have time to just sit back and relax, but it is also so desolate around that it is borderline creepy. I hate to be alone in the dark by myself and that is exactly what I signed myself up for.... not exactly the smartest idea but whatev. I will theoretically be able to get all of my stuff ready for the beginning of the quarter as far as RA stuff goes, bulletin boards, door decs, and program planning and advertising. if I get that done then I will have a smooth start. I will also get Christmas shopping done up here so that should be good. Not sure what else will occupy my time, oh filling out my application to be a summer RA of sorts up here.
I talked to Chris yesterday about Christmas presents and I think I might have them figured out.. thats fun :) I am excited about christmas but I am also struggling with getting into the mood because of my lack of funds for gifts... We'll see how I do.
I do have a second job babysitting so that helps a bit. I am not sure how much money it will actually help me with though. I am hoping that I can scrounge up a few more jobs for the winter break during daytime. That would help tremendously. This one job that I have now is pretty easy. One thought that I have with that one is that they have a '93 ford explorer for sale for 3200 OBO and I it looks to be in prime condition. I am not sure how much more my car is going to last so I thought about asking them if I could have that in exchange for the babysitting so I would be making weekly payments on it rather than all at once. I am not sure if I want to do that or even if they would go for it, but it is something I have thought about. My reasoning is that I have made it almost all qtr with the amount of money that i have right now and i have survived so what would be the difference if my money was just going to a different place. I would be working off the car instead of actually making more money. We'll see what happens with that....

Well that is quite the update. more for myself just talking cause i am pretty sure that the only person that reads this stuff is Chris... and he probably knows almost all of it... but its something to do and its nice to get stuff out of my mind for a bit.....

Good luck with the end of the qtr...

Oh one other thing that i have been thinking about is the fact that if all goes according to plan I will be moving in with Chris about a year from now and that is awesome and kinda scary at the same time...
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