Jul 02, 2007 13:30
Rolled back into town last night after the camping trip with Jim and Jeannine. After a quick frantic search of our luggage (we found Sean's ipod buried in one of my bras - dirty machine), we settle down and chilled before crashing hard for the night.
Camping was an awesome time and I really can't wait to go again. Seriously, the fall is pretty open people - let's explore the countryside. Have tent, will travel.
Lots of photos coming soon, but let me just say that J&J are awesome camping buddies. Jeannine cooks amazing campfire food, Jim makes great fires and catching crawdaddies. Add in Canoes, hiking, the grand canyon of PA, caves explored via boat, Sean pitching our tent in the pitch black, a sky full of stars - and you have a great weekend. Plus - we got to see Jim standing and dancing down the middle of a highway surrounded by 18-wheelers.
Can't beat that.