I spent half of December, all of January, and a few days of February with a very annoying cold. Now that I can finally breathe again with only minimal help from decongestants, I should probably do things.
I've still got one more application to send out, to USM. I probably won't bother with UNLV; my GRE scores are below their minimum requirements, and they want 50 pages of poetry. I don't have 50 pages that I like; it was hard enough finding 12 pages for the other schools. Plus they tend to receive over 100 applicants, and only pick one poet a year. I don't think it's worth the anxiety.
I've also received two rejections, from UNT and Texas Tech. With UNLV out, it's five more to go.
Haven't been writing. Can't even read anymore; whenever I read someone else's work (poetry, fiction, anything), all I can hear is "YOU WILL NEVER WRITE ANYTHING THIS GOOD YOU WILL NEVER WRITE ANYTHING OF ANY VALUE TO ANYONE WHY DID YOU EVER THINK YOU COULD DO THIS" and I mostly just want to cry and fling the book across the room.
Trying to re-kickstart the job search. If I'm not in school I need to be working.
This entry was originally posted at
http://jenni-the-odd.dreamwidth.org/14523.html. You can comment here or there; it matters only that you comment PLEASE I NEED THE ATTENTION OH GOD PLEASE LOVE ME *SOB*.