May 24, 2006 22:38
I been gone for tooo long. Sorry our harddrive kinda crashed for a month. Plus been busy job hunting. I finally got a nice paying job for working with my dad. I help him make Pictures frames. The job pays very well. Also I bene kinda sick to update on here abit. I bene feeling much better now. Thanks to my friends here.
Now for some updates. I lost most of all my sites I usually go on. Right now I am in the middle of playing Kingdom Hearts 2. Going to shoot it very soon. It gets kinda annoying to finish Jimmy's journal. I bene taking a break from it to play FF7. Can't wait to finish up my games soon. I want to get done before f12 comes out in Oct. 4th.
I am not sure who might read this. You guys must have fogotten all about me ~Sniffles~. Right now my friend Bonnie got me listening to Jpop and Anime Soundtracks. I been listening to them both all weeks long. (Not sure if I want to give thsoe cds back...~coughs~ to lazy to burn them ~coughs~).. I don't have much to say. I have writers block big time. So I will say Goodnight until next time.. Hopefully,