Heeey, Quiz time huh?

Nov 24, 2006 20:11

1. A cuddler? Sometimes.
2. A morning person? If by morning you mean SHUT UP
3. Are you a perfectionist? With some things.
4. An only child?: Nopers. One brother and two of step brothers and sisters each.
And now we're going to leave some questions out because most of these are unfortunate.
...starting with the ret in this lot.

1. friend you saw: Joey
3. Text: from: Suzmo
6: Last kiss: The Joester.

Who really cares what I wore? It wasn't a suit of armor or a unicorn suit so as far as I'm concerned, whatever I wore wasn't really clothing.

1. Number: 3. Closely followed by 2.
2. Color: greeeen
3. Season: Autumn rocks my socks!
Ooh, a nice little brief favourite there..

...ignoring this lot of questions

Q's AND A's
Q: What was the 1st thing you did this morning?
A: tried to go back to sleep

Q: What's the last movie you saw?:
A: Baseketball. man I love that movie.

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: As often as I can so that other people do to. Or ellllse!

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:

Q: Do you have more guy or girl friends?
A: Probably girls. A comfortable mixture of both, though some I haven't seen in too long. Sorry.

Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night?
A: "No, shut up Jenny. NO! NO! For godsake just go to SLEEP! Or I'm going to hurt you so baad..."

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: The cooking on tv lady with the very strange hair.

Q: Anything hurt on your body right now?
A: My head. and eyes. and DIGNITY

Q: What was your elementary schools mascot?
A: A blow up hedgehog named Bimbo.
Now, thats a lie.

Q: What were you doing at 9pm last night?
A: Playing Mah jong with some very insane people. Thats one strange game.

Q: Something red within 5 feet of you?
A: Now THIS i a strange question. And no. Apart from a red paint tube, the rear end of a fertile chimpanzee and the business part of a ketchup bottle.

Q: Ever done the Electric Slide?
A: Sorry?

Q: Favorite sparkly things?
A: Cool question! err...err....SPARKLES!

Q: Do you sing?
A: loudly.

Q: Ever sing in public?
A: loudly

Q: Ever make fun of a homeless person?
A: That's mean quiz, real mean. How would you like it if you were homeless and someone made fun of you? huh? huh? My boyfriend is a hobo, and I'm comfortable with that even if it isn't stictly true and i don't actually own a house although i pass through enough of them to technically open my own real estate business which wouldn't strictly work as most of these houses belong to people who are quite comfortable in them and would not want to sell but I would make 'em DAMNIT!

I'm now going to make my own quiz, please, lets all answer.

1. Do you like mushrooms?

2. What is the most inventive place name you've ever come across?

3. What is your favourite number of letters in a word?

4. How many times did you use the word 'small' today?

5. If you could be a leprecaun, a martian or a unicorn- which would you be? And why exactly would you? In twenty words or less.

6. If you could ressurect (in other words, its dead) any famous animal, which would it be?

7. Do you value the Macarina or the Hand Jive more?

8. How many toes are there on your left foot?

9. Have you ever wondered if there is really such a thing as an acronym? I mean, there is small and then there is tiny but isn't tiny smaller than small? Its supposed to mean the same thing but how can it when one is smaller than the other?

10. What's your favourite kind of takeaway food?

11. Carpet or hardwood floors?

12. Do you like your steak rare, medium rare, medium, well done, scorched or vegetable?

13. How many different names for green can you think of? (e.g. lime...)

14. Is there anything oranger than an orange? (in under thirty words or less)

15. Why do we enjoy asking questions about ourselves so much?

16. What do you want for christmas? (in one word or less)

17. Does the idea of a quiz that cuts off not only at an odd number but just over the middle of a lot of ten, something that's up there with handling a tarantua covered in snakes and parmesan cheese and a rainbow wig and a stereotype cheerleader?

17 1/3. Speaking of which, what are you afraid of and why? (in three words or less. Must state why.)

Please send your answers to captainwow@graffiti.com (cos that address just doesn't get enough emails). Thank you!
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