Since I realize not everyone's finished the book, I'm going to keep my thoughts behind cuts. I can't stop thinking about it, and I come to more conclusions and realizations as time passes. So forgive my choppy and incongruent posts that are sure to follow.
I can't shake the feelings and thoughts after reading this book. This is one of the most
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I have this empty feeling like something is missing. I got to the very last page and thought, "That's it? This is what I've been waiting nearly two months for?" I wanted Stephanie to take a different route with BD, I didn't want Bella to turn. If it had to come down to it though, I thought it would have been an act of love too, not something so morbidly depressing.
What was with calling Japser "Jazz"? Ugh!
There was just too much pain.
And yes, your comment about that "something's missing" feeling...right on! The happy moments were too few and far between. And like I said, the whole Nessie plotline took too much away from the central theme of the love story.
And yeah...."Jazz"...I guess he's big pimpin' now! LOL
While I'm actually glad she's in eternity with Edward, I also thought it would be cool to have found a way to give him back his mortality. (I's a stretch, but then so is the whole freaking story!!! LOL)
I'm getting more disappointed each time I read what someone else has to say about the book.
Reply true. I think that might be the feeling in the pit of my stomach. That it just still feels unresolved. (Especially with the Volturi still out there.) Poor Edward is so tortured throughout the whole series. My heart still breaks for him, even though he and Bella end up together.
What's dissapointing you? The negative reviews?
Stephanie should consider writing a book that is set 100+ years from the ending of BD. Surely there will be some sort of conflict the Cullens are involved in, especially with the Volturi. I don't feel like that issue was resolved the way it could have been. I'll miss the Cullens, Charlie, and the warewolves. :(
And Jacob - Yeah, I don't feel like his issue was resolved, really. There's still too much uncertainty there, and I honestly feel bad for those readers who were really on "Team Jacob". I'm sure they are pretty let down.
It almost feels like SM was putting too much emphasis on writing new twists into the story, rather than really focusing on logical conclusions. And I hate that she left so much open-ended, considering how she really isn't planning on writing more to this particular story line. I would have rather had a clean, happy cut.
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