Sep 15, 2005 10:42
hAyy dERr...wEll i jUs wOke uP kiNda SleePi sTill..bOut i aiNt goIn bAck To bEd boUt ta wAlk thE dOGs uhh....
i gOt woRk tonite this sucks.. cuase i hate that place.. then i waNna go oUt but nOoNe goes ouT ahh i haVeNt beEn oUt.. but thIs weeKeNd goNa be fUnn .. i hOpe..
fRiday mOvies n oUt to Eat wit Jackie n Her frIEnds tHen proLLi goIn oUt suMwhEre then.. sATurday duNo better bE a fUn nIte
<3 yA ..jAy dOt bOp