my SurvEyy

Nov 29, 2004 13:06

A Survey For the Bored, By the Bored

Created by vertical2horizon and taken 87 times on bzoink!
*-BaSiX-* Name JeNni bOp Age 18 Gender fEmAleEe Hair Color Red voilEt Eye Color hAZeL Height 5`5 i Think Martial Status sIngLee Screen Name(s) - AIM, MSN, Yahoo xJennibopo E-mail Living arrangements da Fam ha Country uS State Pa...sOuTh pHila *-FaVoRiTeS-* Singer Band yellow cArd Weather not to cold or hOt Season hmm i duno ha Day of the week saTurdAy Month ocT Food rIce lol Candy nErds rOpe Mints uhh Gum orbIt Type of computer dont friggin matta... dell Book to kill a mockin bired lol CD bRitney lol Website Messaging Service i dont fuckin kno lol Color ORANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE<333 *-ThIs Or ThAt-* Dogs or Cats dOgs Pepsi or Coke pEpsi Pants or Shorts pAnts Guitar or Bass GuiTar Red or Blue rEd Blue or Green gReeN Sunrise or Sunset sUnSet Sun or Moon sUn Moon or Stars StArs Rain or Sunshine sUnsHInE Fall or Winter Fall Spring or Summer Spring E-mail or Snail Mail EmAil Telephone or AIM TeLephOne *-Do YoU hAvE-* Pets? If so, how many, and what are their names? i gOt soMe fish.. duno there names lol and Dog-MaNDi Your own room? If not, who do you share it with? yAh my rOom iS in the BaseMenTtt A nightlight? hmm suMtiMEs lol A best friend? If so, what is his or her name? i gOt a coUple BesT friends A computer in your room? If not, where is it? well brothers rOom .,. till i got my ComPuter in My rOom A window in your room? yupp.. Your own bathroom? Yahhh i do0 Popularity? im tHE beSt Siblings? If so, how many, and what are their names? Bro n Sista - JimMy n JacKIe A boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, what is his or her name? Nopers A large room or a small room? LarGEeeEe Internet connection in every room of the house? nOt everY rO0mm .. where the ComPutErs aRee yah A computer or a laptop? cOmpUTer An anaconda? If so, what is it's name? bUnKers *-Do YoU LiKe-* Snakes um THere kOo Spiders sdhfbajsdfbgdjf - EWWWwWw Cats nOt reAlli Animals in general Yahh aww cUTenEss Your hair yahh.. i wisH it wAs loNger tho Your smile YAhH Your complexion AKFJHG maYbe Your talents Your name JennifEr Yahh lol Your Screen Name (on AIM, Yahoo, or MSN) i luV my SN.. xJennibOpo To listen to music yahhh.. To read uhh North Dakota noppe South Dakota nope *-ArE yOu-* Flirty mAybe ha Angry no0o A shopper yah i like sHoppin A computer freak not Realli Sweet yaHh Happy yupp Aggravated nahh A traveler i wanna go to the B-has In love not realli Tired yahh Currently dating someone Nahh .. juS whOEva ha Stressed nopee Pissed off at someone/something Uhh not a This MOment Too cool for school nahh im still cOol *-RaNdOm-* Describe yourself in one or two words. tHe bEst Describe your best friend in one or two words i gOt a Lot.. there My Gurls.. yah i uses more than 1 or 2 words Do you like eggs? dEpeNds... Do you like to party? Luv tA pArtiii Do you live in a small or big town? soUth phIllyyy *-RiGhT nOw ArE yOu-* Cold or Hot cOld Drinking or Eating driNkin Sneezing or Coughing coUghing Talking to Someone (on the computer or in the same room) yah on the computErr *-EnDiNgS-* So... did you enjoy this survey? it was ok.. kinda stupidd Would you take it again to change the answers in about a year if you could? no0o ;) Have a great day ;) umm bye
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this was kinda stupid this surveyy
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