vEry Sleepy

Oct 18, 2004 00:59

yAh im Tired...

tODay i Had dancin scho0l at 10:45 .. and yah lol i wOke uP at tHat time lol oops.. haha But it wAS co0l thO.. WenT ta dAncin tiLL bout 3:30 and ThEn weNT hoMe and GoT rEadi and wEnt oUt.. wAS bOreing.. But Then pOEplEs Came oUt..n It waS fuNn..tHen we LEft There aNd weNt ta THe MoviEs and Saw Raise your vOicE.. ahh a Banginn MovIe.. i Luv it. lol..i WannA sEe it AGAin...tHEn WE weNt ta dUNkaN dONuts .. bored..n tHen caMR HoME..


Wo0 FriDAY.. GoT THE gAls ANd wE weNT up Ta the NortheASt ANd saw rAndi.. yahh hes a fUCkin Bangin bOyy...n Then wenT hoMe..

sATuRday...hMm boREinnNn.. uNtil Lata Dat NGIht EverYOne cAMe Out and thEn we Went oUt and Had Funn Funn..yAh theN weNT ta ELiSe`s lol... tHEn pENrose and thEn hOMe at 5 in Da mORnin lol..yahh


nEwAY yAH imA bOUt ta Fall aslEep..nitey nite<33

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