Oct 05, 2004 21:58
hMm im sO0 sLeepy..tOday waS a Long Day .. dAmn hAd SchO0l.. n That wAs jUS so FUckIng lOng.. i was Fallin AsLEep...zZZzZz...tHen aFta ScHO0l me N Nita wEnt ta cVs and wE gOt sUm makeUpp..n Then wenT hOme.. and then weNt ta Eat yUm..tHen haD dANcin..fUnn kiNDa Cept tHAt.. tOnites Class Is sO Gay nOw.. Cause It USed ta Be very hArd and fRiggin nOw he Goes as Slow as Friggin MOndays ClAss.. It was bEtter the Otha wAyyy...bUt ohh.. weLl cAnT wait TiLL tOmo Nite CLass .. FUckIng Bangin YeaHh<33
nEwaYYYYyy.. my WeEkend...
wELlll...sATurDay nITe...
wEnt ta Marks.. and we Got Drunk and Omg i Was Smashed and hah Hmm Blah Blah BlAh...i wanted to so 0oh well hehe..lee watched me i luv u lol<33 tHen sLEpt there hAD No clUe wtf I wAs dOin..afTa i waS Throwin Up.. my Ma Called me In tHe Mornin i fORgot ta tEll hEr i wAS SLeepin Ovaa hmm..well i DIdnt kno i was GOnna haha...
sUnday WorkKk...at The PHillies.. then WeNt ta chIckiEs n PetEs..funFunYumYUm lol...tHEn Did nUTitn at All Me n Anita went ta the mvoies and we saw the most dumbest movie ever in the worldd...SHAWN OF THE DEAD>. omg was that corny i was fallin asleep...
wOke Upp.. pICked up erin and her Ro0m mate and we went 5ta Visit Goretti..Neuman haha.. ahh it is so0 different.. but we saw stico and other teachers and all.. it was co0l... then wEnt hOme worked on Project wit aNita.. and then wE hAd dancIn yahh.. bUt that was Gay cUAse the People are lol hehe..
im Sleepy.. wat everyone dOin on Friday Nita.. Lemme kno cAuse we Tryin T a go0 Ta Hayride an all or sumthIn iF pEOple wanna go0 iight<33 so0 lemme kno0 dAwgs...