(no subject)

Dec 11, 2002 01:26

Today was a Terrible .. Horrible .. No Good .. Very Bad Day

I woke up late b/c i pulled an all niter last nite and when i got to work my boss had the flu and i had to work with her. Well i was planning on leaving at 1 so that i could work on my sewing project but Alison wanted me to stay, so i did till four. But all day at work stupid snobby bitch ass ladies were getting all pissed at me b/c we didn't have any gift boxes. Not my fault .. companies fault. And then Alison was helping this elderly woman and she was like aww jenni she's so nice. Well she was one of the women that gave me a hard time .. Her niceness was decieving .. shes one of the ladies that gave me the biggest attitude and she only bought one fricken item, i was on the verge of tears .. she was so mean. Bitter old people piss me off.
So then I have a huge line of people .. like 15 people and i'm the only one at register and i was looking up and stapleing the paper and i got my finger .. Hurt like a bitch .. and did anyone ask if i was okay .. NO not one damn person in that line. I was so pissed .. i almost cried it hurt so bad. So then i leave at 4 and go to my aunts house and while on the phone with Sarz (not funny Sarz) i end up opening a shooken can of pop and it explodes all over my khaki pants. So then i'm working on my sewing project that is due at 6 (being that it's around 5) and i realize that i forgot my directions at home so i have to make-up how the rest of the shirt goes. So then my aunts machine breaks right as i'm almost done with the project so i like start freaking out. And then she gets it back to working and whatever and so i end up leaving around 8:45 and on my way to class i end up getting 2 inches away from an accident, it would have been pretty bad too b/c we both had to be going 50 mph. So i slam on my breaks and what does he do .. oh yea slams on his too .. UGH people are so stupid sometimes. So thats basically my day shortened. So lets hope for a better day tomorrow people .. i don't think i can mentally handle a day like that again .. I might make like Mariah Carey and admit myself but say that i didn't have a mental breakdown that i was just tired .. blah

Some quizes for fun (i was bored)

Who's your inner gay man?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?

brought to you by Quizilla
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