(no subject)

May 07, 2009 01:57

So outta nowhere my marvelous husband got me a card thankin me for everything I've done for him. It made so happy that I can't put it into words. I love him so much. He truly is my soulmate n were perfect for eachother. Nick baby I love you so much I can't describe it. You're the best most amazing great fantastic... Ect. In the world. I'm a real lucky girl to have a man like him

We started a radiator store and were makin money with it. So anyone that needs or knows someone that needs an auto radiator we will get it for them. Its crazy knowin we own a store now. We are doing so amazing

Jr is growin up so fast and I love the fact that I spend all day everyday with him. I don't get to go out wit my friends much cause I care more about stayin with my boy. It don't matter any tho cause harldy any of them ever call me or even want to hangout. I've just disappeared from their lives. Except erica my best friend. She atlease texts unlike anyone else. It sucks to know that out of all the friends I had only one keeps in touch. Sorry I have to take care pof my child. Stacys new blog stated that her friends are boring now. I'm not boring. I just have a life to take care of. And it hurts that she wrote that like its no big deal. Not to mention travis. He could care less about me. Christen girl I know I'm most part to not stayin connected and I'm sorry. But I really want to take jr and see you and ur love. Brianna just calls when she's havin a party which I can't attend but she never contacts me to just hangout. I only have one friend right now that is true to me. Thank you erica

I get depressed about my “friends" a lot. The ones that I've mentioned minus erica that have just forgot about me. Thanks guys

and let me also add that i have opened up about my eating disorder and told you all i was seein a therapist and a psychiatist about helpin me. no one ever calls or even texts me to see how ive been doin. you guys are the ones that i opened up to fist. travis wrote a a real sincere myspace message at first... but then nothing. so im glad u guys are hopin im doing good. you all are what is adding up to my depression. i mean i kno i have my husband and he listens to everything. but where are my friends? i was atleast hoping thru this hard time in my life that you all would care. n im makin this the first public entry in a while because i want my "friends" to know how i feel about all this. i mean come on... im going through hard times mentally and none of you guys seem to care. i mean you all new i had problems. and now that im facing them you dont care. THANKS.
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