Feb 11, 2005 09:23
bored..Im always bored. Thats so lame. Todays mo mommy;s birthday. WE are going out to eat but im mad cause i cant see Jake! Ima turn emo! How gay. fucking emo people should die...naw just playing cause thats me sometimes and my friends. So no... I think for st. patties day im going to Heathers for a party. but i dont know. It will be cool because i havent been going to the parties lately. I dont know i miss being a crazy bitch sometimes. But im pissed Rjs going to Brandi's tonight and i can;t go because i have to work. thats sooo retarded. Also he gets to miss my moms birthday. Not Fair! Its only becasue my parents dont care what he does. So in a way i feel loved but no i dont care I wanna go out (not to mention i dont wanna have little kids hanging on me all day saying "play with me")!
today im such an airhead. im just not all there its crazy.15 more days till the 26th! haha yes im counting! And i get off at 4 very excited! When do we start spring break? In like a month huh? Thats awesome... I wonder if im going out of town? maybe..... but i might take a lot of hours at work because i want to save money for my car. Omgoodness im going to be troubnle when i get a car becasue then i can go whereever my want to! AHAHAH!!! Just playing ill be a good girl...*winks*....kinda....almost...never! Typing is the most boring class all we do is type stupid shit that makes no sense and i dont care about. WEll ima go finish writing Jacob because im a slcker and havent finished in ....forever. Love ya's
Jennifer lynne!