Mar 31, 2005 17:26
Today was the best day of the past few weeks by FAR. Ahhh It was soooooooooooooo gorgeous out. I was drinking my milkshake from the Haymarket, wearing a short sleeved shirt and was like "YAY! My first outdoor cold beverage! This ROCKS."
We started off our downtown adventure at H.O.T!!! yay. the back room was taken, but we got some free sushi, which rocked. Then we went to a couple of places, Shane got two awesome posters from Pleasant Street Video, and then we chilled Barefooott (!) out by the fountain. It was so nice, and reminded me of the good old days...
I saw a lot of cool people, and after Brittany had to leave to get ready for Sexy Banjo Lessons, and Shane had to work.. Ellie and I had funnnn. We walked back to her place, watched G.H. along with her and Shane's kick ass music video.
ahhh I love today!