Dec 05, 2004 02:22
What is your name? Jenette Marie Coles
Are you named after anyone? Nope though I did tell people when i was little that i was named after that Chipette from Alvin and the Chipmunks. I also had mental problems when i was little.
What's your screename? Jenni0120
Would you name a child of yours after you? um, no.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? Uhh Lar wanted to name me Christopher Robin that'd have been amusing Crystal and Christopher. That'd make the Chris nickname confusing
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? I like the name Jen so ha.
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? Yes, people spell Jen- Jenn all the time and Jenette- Jeanette
Would you drop your last name if you became famous? NO..That'd be so weird my famous name just being Jen that's so not Madonna-ish
Your gender: Female
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Single? As the day is long.
If not, do you want to be? singleness suits me well
Birthdate: 2/3/84
Your age: 20
Age you act: Depends on the day either 3, 20, or 40 haha.
Age you wish you were: 21...2 months minus 2 days baby. I don't wnana become an alcoholic i just want to have the option there to be one legally.
Your height: 5'9"
Eye color: brown
Happy with it? sure
Hair color: light brown or dark blonde whichever makes you happier
Happy with it? Actually yes
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty
Your living arrangement: At school: Hainer East Apartment with Melissa, Jess, and Christyn
At home: my house with my momma and dad. no more sister there.
Your family: Parents, sister, dog, cat
Have any pets? see above
Whats your job? Professional student and super babysitter...i'm so good people offer to give me cars.
Piercings? 1 in my ears though i never wear earrings
Tattoos? Yes, one on my ankle.
Obsessions? I think I'm obsessioned with checking away messages it's a sad obsession.
Addictions? nope i don't have an addictive personality.
Do you speak another language? I spoke a few words of German in the day
Favorite quote? "Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up." Spoken like a true 20 year old.
"Do you have a webpage? nope
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment? I think to an extent
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yes.
Do you have any secrets? I think I have a few...and nope i'm not sharing them
Do you hate yourself? For the most part I don't I hate things about me but not really myself in general
Do you like your handwriting? yes
Do you have any bad habits? I bite my nails, i suck on the side of my mouth (damn my mom giving me that habit)
What is the compliment you get from most people? I have a nice facial bone structure. Haha. I'm just generally hot.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? I'm not answering this question b/c my answer will inevitably be lame
What's your biggest fear? Being alone forever. Always being the bridesmaid
Would you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? Like dress up like someone else? I don't get it.
Are you a loner? In my head i am but not actually in life.
What are your #1 priorities in life? God, my friends, my family. Not in any order so i don't want my family being annoyed.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I'd be friends with me now not me like 10 years ago.
Are you a daredevil? No
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? How can you fear yourself? I don't like my thighs...
Are you passive or agressive? I'm passive agressive how you like that answer?
Do you have a journal? uhh no because i overanyalize it when i have one.
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strength: I'm a funny kid. Weakness: I'm a little judgemental sometimes
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd be less afraid of getting hurt. I'm so deep damn.
Do you think you are emotionally strong? Yes, or at least i'm good at pretending i have nothing wrong. whichever..
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Not really I wish sometimes i wasn't such a bitch when i was younger but that's it..
Do you think life has been good so far? Yes my life is really funny..
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? That whatever happens in your life makes you who you are now.
What do you like the most about your body? My face. and my hair. Basically the neck up.
And least? The neck down minus the scar on my knee i enjoy that and my toes because i have a damn good pedicure going on.
Do you think you are good looking? I'm a hottie..
Are you confident? Fairly
What is the fictional character you are most like? I dunno i'll take opinions on that.
Are you perceived wrongly? Nah i'm pretty easy to read.
Do You...
Smoke? Yah sometimes when I drink
Do drugs? Nuh uh
Read the newspaper? Yup
Pray? Yup
Go to church? Yup
Talk to strangers who IM you? for like 2 minutes then i realize i don't want friends
Sleep with stuffed animals? Yes i love my bear even though it's head is falling off
Take walks in the rain? Only to my car
Talk to people even though you hate them? Yes.
Drive? Yup
Like to drive fast? Yes
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice? Have you heard me speak? Greatest thing ever said: Car Josh:"You have a sexy voice." Me: "uhh are you a pedifile? I sound like i'm 3"
Hurt yourself? Not purposely
Been out of the country? England, France, Bahamas, Switzerland, Italy, and soon-to-be Ireland!
Eaten something that made other people sick? I'm the pickiest eater ever i'd never do that
Been in love? I don't think
Done drugs? Nope
Gone skinny dipping? Nuh uh
Had a medical emergency? I guess i went in an ambulance
Had surgery? wisdom teeth
Ran away from home? nope
Played strip poker? I've played reverse strip poker...aww old times.
Gotten beaten up? nope
Beaten someone up? Nope
Been picked on? Yes.
Been on stage? No i don't think i'm a shy one.
Slept outdoors? Creation camping yes..
Thought about suicide? Never
Pulled an all nighter? Yes people hate me after all nighters because then i never ever sleep because i am crazy. 40 hours without sleep last semester...bad news. I start hearing things "i reallyreally like you"
Gone one day without food? 30 hour famine i've done it.
Talked on the phone all night? No that's stupid
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? yep.
Slept all day? I think so..
Killed someone? Oh my gosh i can't believe you knew that!!!
Made out with a stranger? a practically stranger.
Had sex with a stranger? Never eww...i don't even have sex with unstrangers.
Thought you're going crazy? nah i'm relatively sane
Kissed the same sex? Well there are those pictures....but no.
Done anything sexual with the same sex? no
Been betrayed? i hope not
Had a dream that came true? Sure
Broken the law? I guess. 2 speeding tickets and a running a stop sign ticket.
Met a famous person? Hrmn... I was near Kirk Cameron once :)
Have you ever killed an animal by accident? A bird ran into my windshield and i had to get one of the boys back in High School to get the feathers out of my windshield wipers.
On purpose? I try to hit squirrels but those jerks move
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yeah i suck at secrets
Stolen anything? My sister and i use to steal marbles from Kate, Ann and Patsy when we were little.
Been on radio/tv? Not that i know of.
Been in a mosh-pit? Yea and i got kicked in the head by a crowd surfer
Had a nervous breakdown? Uhh i've had a few panic attacks but i've made it.
Bungee jumped? no
Had a dream that kept coming back? nope
Belive in life on other planets? I don't know.
Miracles? Yes
Astrology? Not really..
Magic? Not really
God? Hell yeah
Satan? in a manner of speaking
Santa? unfortunately not
Ghosts? not really
Luck? yes
Love at first sight? Nope i believe at lust at first sight followed by love
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? yup
Witches? I believe in people who think they're witches, but not real ones.
Easter bunny? not so much
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Yes
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? Since i'm 3
Do you wish on stars? No
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? Traditional? Like there is one? And they're not on earth. If that's the case yes i do.
Do you think God has a gender? No
Do you believe in organized religion? Yes, I think it's hard doing the religion thing if you don't ever worship with anyone else. Spoken like a true youth min major.
Where do you think we go when we die? Heaven or Hell.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yup
Who is your best friend? Hannie, Lauren, Rach, Crystal, Melissa and Jeff.
Who's the one person that knows most about you? See above.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? When someone says something to you you have to consider who says it and whether or not it's true.
Your favourite inside joke? Uhh everyone has been saying that I wish cum tasted like apple juice. I dont' really remember saying that.
Thing you're picked on most about? My laugh
Who's your longest known friend? Uhh Hannah i think
Newest? All my hall boys
Shyest? Shy? my friends uhh...
Funniest? Crystal her and i have the same humor
Sweetest? I have a lot of sweet friends
Friends you miss being close to the most? My girls they're too far away
Last person you talked to online? Uhh my sister this morning
Who do you talk to most online? Crys and Jeff by far
Who are you on the phone with most? Mom
Who do you trust most? I trust everybody
Who listens to your problems? Jeff, Crystal and Jess the most though everyone else takes their turn
Who do you fight most with? Well my sister says we fight the most so i say her.
Who's the nicest? I wouldn't be friends with someone if they were mean to me
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? Yea but that's never a good idea. Friends and sex shouldn't mix.
Who's your second family? The Hambys
Do you always feel understood? Nope
Who's the loudest friend? Sunshine is really loud or my minis from home they're loud. ANd me of course
Do you trust others easily? Yes
Who's house were you last at? MY sisters and I was over at Erins apartment
Name one person who's arms you'd feel safe in: All my friends
Do your friends know you? Nope they've never even met me
Friend that lives farthest away: Rach! I hate michigan. ANd Han Georgia sucks. They stole my friends.
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake? Never
What do you find romantic? Little details
Turn-on? I just really love boys. Nice teeth a good laugh. Eye contact
Turn-off? Not showering or making an effort to look decent
If someone you had no interest in, had interest in dating you how would u feel? Happy but sad for them
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going out? YES
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out? No
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? No i'm so picky it's gross
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I think...I know at least 3 people that boys think i'm cutter then
What is best about the opposite sex? Cuddling
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? They can suck at life sometimes
What's the last present someone gave you? Uhh Jess gave me a drink from breezeway cause i was sicky
Are you in love? Nope
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you? Not one
You wanted to kill? This would get me in trouble so no one :)
That you laughed at? Uhh myself or Melissa
That laughed at you? The roomies
That turned you on? haha
You went shopping with? Crystal
To ask you out? uhh i went on a freshie date with Alex and watched Seven but it was such an undate.
To brighten up your day? My sister she makes me happy
That you thought about? Me i'm so selfish
You saw a movie with? Crystal
You talked to on the phone? Crystal
You talked to through IM/ICQ? My momma
You saw? Melissa she's on the other side of my jacket and i know she's there
You lost? no one most people i hang out w/ are incapable of getting lost. Though I went to see Josiah and Elijah today but they were gone!
Right This Moment...
Are you going out? Nope i'm going to bed
Will it be with your significant other? sad
Or some random person? no
What are you wearing right now? My Devon Fan Club shirt and sweats
Body part you're touching right now: MY hair
What are you worried about right now? Money as always
What book are you reading? Atonement and my Soc book
What's on your mousepad? Polka Dots
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: sleepy
Are you bored? nope
Are you tired? yes
Are you talking to anyone online? nope it's bed time
Are you talking to anyone on the phone? nope
Are you lonely or content? content
Are you listening to music? Yah