Day 06 - Food that you swore you would never eat but now love (or tolerate).

Apr 20, 2011 09:33

See! I said it would take less than six months for me to post the next day of this meme, and it did! I'm so efficient.

Anyways, onward. Hilariously, the food that I swore I would never eat but acquired a taste for is bell peppers.

Yep, you read that right. Bell peppers.

See, in Japan, the food isn't very spicy (unless there's surprise wasabi, nom nom nom). Pretty early on in my time there, I was desperate for some good old-fashioned Tex-Mex and so made tacos. I bought some bell peppers to add crunch and flavor, figuring that if I hated them like I usually did, I'd call the experiment a failure and move on. I ended up LOVING THEM, and the weird texas-asian lettuce wrap hybrids I invented. I couldn't find tortillas the first time, you see, so I got some lettuce to wrap my taco meat in.

That meal got raves from all my friends over there. Every time we had a school party, my students were like "ARE YOU BRINGING THE TACOS???". I was pretty proud of it.


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