Hey! I've been having a lot on my mind lately and a lot of it has to do with where I am in my life. For one, I'm considering moving out after my lease is finished, but I've been trying to figure out where. I've been seriously considering this since apparently cops like to hang out at my complex and I must admit, a lot of the tenants aren't the most
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For the presidential election I personally am going to have to vote for Obama, though it's kind of a lesser of two evils thing like usual. With the way the news media have been covering the election, and the parties spewing out lies about each other's candidates, it's a wonder anyone can have anything resembling an informed opinion. And that's before we mention whatever legislative elections and ballot measures there'll inevitably be in November. If you're having a hard time deciding, I think it's less a reflection of your intelligence one way or the other, and more a reflection of the pathetic state our sources of information have reached.
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