Remember how I just said, "I'm not complaining"? That was true, but now I *am* complaining.
Complaint Number One: My "Best Friend", Deanna.
This summer, I was away the last few weeks before school, and was HomeInHamilton for less than twenty-four hours before leaving for HomeInToronto. As it turned out, it was several weeks into the fall before we were finally able to get together, now that we live in different cities. I got to spend our first reencounter tagging along with her and her boyfriend (who is far from my favourite person, let me tell you that), whom I had never met until then, although they had, by this time, been dating for a couple months. A few weeks later, I called her and asked her if she wanted to do something. She agreed. Somehow, it became a group event with -dumdumdum- her boyfriend and his less-that-appealing friends. Thankfully her older sister came along as well, because I spent the night hanging with her. So then we were talking on ICQ earlier this week. I asked if she was free Saturnight to do something, thinking that it is her birthday next week, and we could have a small celebration of sorts. She said yes. We decided she would call me around dinner time saturevening. Surprisingly, she did (I've never put much faith in her phone tendencies). Once again, somehow her boyfriend got brought into the plans. We were still unsure of what we wanted to do, so she said she'd call me later that night, to tell me what she and Mark were doing and to see if I wanted to come along. How did I become the tagalong once again? I do not know. Regardless, she never did call back, and I went out with other friends. I am not impressed.
Complaint Number Two:
BrodieA few days ago, Brodie blogged that he would have the house to himself on Saturnight, but would likely be watching movies on his own. I commented, asking if I could come, as I have not seen him since camp, and wished to spend some time with him, and chilling at his house doing nothing in particular sounded inviting. Frinight came, and I called him. He said that his good friend, Paul, and some guy from Toronto, whom I don't know, were coming as well. No problem, obviously, I hadn't even said if I was coming for sure, because I HAD thought I had plans with Dee. I still wanted to go, to see my Broble, even if they would be there. Unfortunately, no one was able to drive me, and he lives on the other side of the planet. I didn't want to take the million-year-long busride at night, on a route I didn't know by myself, and couldn't really afford a cab (not two ways across town, I can't. I'm a struggling student.). So, sadly, I resigned myself to not going. Then, I received a call from another friend. As my brother was on his way to Westdale, I managed to hop a ride out there, met up with some people and hit the Snoot and Billybobs (a bar, and a club). I had a pretty decent time, even if the club scene isn't really my thing, and standing in line in the rain for an hour sure didn't help my everfailing health. So then tonight I get HomeInToronto, and I have an icq message from Kaps asking where I was last night. Apparently everyone at Brodie's party was wondering where I was last night! Party? When did it become a party?! Had I known that, I could have a)caught a ride with someone, b)taken up the usual "Send Jenni Home By Cab Fund" once there, and had enough money to get home, safe and sound. So I'm sorely disappointed.
Complaint Number Three: Fate
Once upon a time, a long time ago, I went to a party. I think I was maybe sixteen at the time; it was the summer before twelfth grade. Much alcohol was consumed at said party, although I had none. When it was time to go, Deanna and I decided to walk home. We convinced three of our [male] friends to escort us. Some time later, we arrived at her house. It was close to two in the morning. Rather than go inside and go to sleep, we sat outside talking; I with a certain friend of mine, she with the other two. For two hours we sat on the sidewalk in the quiet summer night talking about anything and everything. We really didn't know each other until then, it was probably the deciding moment of our friendship. As he was rather intoxicated, to put it mildly, he made several attempts to kiss me. Being the good girl that I am, I didn't want to take advantage of his condition, and wouldn't allow that to happen. I did, however, give him my number, and he promised to call the next day; we were to go to a jazz club together later that week. I spent the next day at Deanna's, and didn't go home till late that night. I asked, but apparently nobody had called for me. A week or so later, and I was off to ol' IMC. The first week back to school, we were at another party together, and got to talking. Turned out that he had in fact called me, and left his number (my brother is terrible at passing on messages). But, to my dismay, he had hooked up with another girl while I was away, and was now seeing her. More than two years have passed since that time, and there are still so many questions in my mind. So many "What if?"s. The hardest part is being such close friends with someone that you know you can never have. I am happy just to call myself his friend, but I cannot truthfully say that I don't wish for more.
Complaint Number Four: My Immune System
Ever since that damn U@Waterloo day that resulted in my bout of mononucleosis (and tonsillitis, bronchitis, and strep throat), there has been something terribly wrong with me. I had not been ill for years prior, and now I am undeniably so. I can never get enough sleep, be it 6, 8, 11, or a whopping 13 hours. My muscles are always sore. I catch every cold within a 10 mile radius. My voice is currently a fifth beneath it's normal range, hoarse, dry, and weak, and continually breaks like a 14-year-old boy's. My throat hurts when I swallow, and my chest and lungs hurt when I cough. My cough is awfully weak, as my chest muscles can't support it. My sinuses ache. Life sucks. I am going to bed.