It's gettin' hott in huuur...

Apr 29, 2004 11:04

Today is the day for short posting fun.
It was weird when I walked to the Union today to get my parking permit because people didn't look away today. The thing is, they looked right at me (of course I just assumed I had a HUGE booger in my nose or something) but it felt pretty nice to not be ignored. Oh my god, I'm such a loser.
Anyway, I got my spanish test back and I got a 45.25 out of 50, so huzzah! I also get to do my spanish oral presentation on tuesday, so that's a life saver.
So the plans for today are to finish my speech (and by finish I actually mean start)
Plans for tomorrow are to study a ton and go home and get my car and then come back here and study a lot more. (Eww, sweat just dripped down the center of my chest. That and back sweat (jax, come up with a name for that) are the grossest... other than swass)
Saturday is fieldtrip and prom fun
Sunday is study more for geology final
Monday is study for spanish
Tuesday is practice my speech because I give it on wednesday
Thursday - Sunday is study weather and climate for midterm... along with all other studying for all other midterms YIKES!
Maybe this wasn't as short as the others, but I gotta go. Rock on.
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