Response to the current SPN fandom contraversy

Jun 15, 2010 02:48

This whole situation is giving me a stomachache, so I have to make a comment. Please understand that I completely agree with the points being made here - the author, whether intentionally or not, created something that was very hurtful and insulting on many levels. This cannot nor should not be denied or ignored.

I am compelled to add, however, that after reading many responses to this story, I am also taken aback by the tone of the protest. It seems to me that alot of people are putting the author down in an almost self-righteous way - because of course, no one else has ever purposefully or inadvertantly said something to offend someone.

American society has many problems, among them a pervasive attitude of racism and misogyny; it's not always blatant, but many people are exposed to it in insidious ways. I admit that I've been affected on both sides; being in a minority group, I've been hurt by people's thoughtless or deliberate prejudices. But I'm not above admitting that I've made mistakes, too. As a human being, I strive to better myself and learn from my experiences. If I ever gave offense, I've strived to make amends and change my attitudes and behaviors. Bigotry is a fact; the only way to combat it is to help people recognize it and change their thinking.

I truly believe that in this case, this story was not written with intent to hurt. Whether it was or wasn't however, the fact is that shaking our heads and basking in our own innnocence is not going to change things. By responding, we are raising awareness, and that's wonderful. Based on her responses, I sense that the author is getting a harsh dose of reality right now and trying to reassess her whole world view. Let's be encouraging, not condemning. She's not respnding with defensivness, so let's respond in kind. We all make mistakes, some little and some huge. Let's choose to help each other in a bad situation. Instead of banding together in righteous indignation, let's approach the situation with humility and focus on healing.

I'm also posting this response in my journal, if anyone's interested.
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