Hmmm I get to see Ludo tonight! =D and the Clints
and theeeeeennnn supposedly Hidden in Plain View is supposed to be coming here too I'll have to find out for sure tonight though
Yesterday was the last day of school and I spent pretty much all night with McVay. I got him some graduation stuff, but he was totally embarassed by the balloon ha. Then we got in this 'fight' thing. Psssh. I cried. I didnt say anything for a really long time. And then this red mustang kept driving by his house so that made me laugh then it made me feel better. We went to that thingy by the water on Southshore because i said i'd never been on it, then McVay decided that the reason they built it the way they did was so college kids couldnt have sex there. He found out I was scared of woods and bridges. Ummm then we went to go see The Interpreter, but then we didn't.
Now I'll recommend some sweeeet bands. just because.
Hidden in Plain View LudoArmy of Freshmen
<3 Jennifer