I made an impulsive purchase!! I had some birthday money and I decided to buy this. Way too expensive, I know, but I really couldn't resist!
Remember the stray kitten I mentioned? Well last Sunday we found it dead in our front yard! Just two nights before we saw it scampering around town late at night-so it came all the way back to our house and practically died on our doorstep. Poor little thing! Immediately, however, our fears rose about rabies, considering Jay was bitten so many times by the little sharp kitten teeth. So I was on the phone with the Health Department and they advised that Jay start to get rabies shots immediately and we send the kitten to be tested. They have to send the head to be analyzed. How dreadful! I felt terrible about the whole thing. Jay had to get 6 shots, (2 in his bum!) The test results came back negative, so all is well, and he doesn't need to go back for any more shots. Who knows what that poor kitty died of. Very sad.