bringing the (punk) baby home

Dec 03, 2007 23:56

Oh dear.... been pretty much whining constantly since losing Herself a couple of months ago.  And then yesterday there was this mad rush where someone my sister knows had one last kitten left out of a litter, which she wanted rid of as another queen was due to drop a litter tomorrow.

This particular kitty was the last one left because she, er, ran away from home at the age of *nine weeks* and spent two days hiding out under a shed before her mum could drag her out.

Feisty, I think, may be an understatement.

So we made a mad rush down there after work tonight, only pausing on the way to buy some kitty food, and basically fell in love with a real live lolcat.  This is Siouxsie Sioux...

She's an escape artist to rival Houdini, far too cute to be true, and basically we're heading for shedloads of trouble with her over the next couple of weeks...!  She has this very uncanny way of staring you down, like she isn't really a fraction of your size.  This goes for people and dogs, we've discovered so far, including both the Yorkies and the fab alsation/timberwolf cross she lived with.

We picked out the name (well, the little sis did) before we found her, but damn, if a tiny baby kitteh can be punk, this is the girl...

punk baby

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