Nov 13, 2008 12:36
Yeah, so, I was being hysterical for no good reason as it turns out... I'll go right ahead and admit it now ;o)
24 hours on a plane is all shades of wrong though, and not really on my list of stuff to do again... just so frickin' dull! (aside from the bit where I have to go back and do it again in a week!!) But the airline were actually rather lovely, considering all the horror stories I'd heard about them. Oodles better than BA, anyhoo... And I got to watch Dark Knight again, and, well, Incredible Hulk wasn't that terrible after all. And Dubai airport is pretty, and Brunei looked kinda nice, for all the half hour of it I saw.
But still. 24 hours. Ack.
Am I done whining yet? Well, it's sunny here, reasonably warm and we have lovely relatives I'd never met before who kindly let me steal their wifi and drink all their tea. I haven't seriously threatened to murder any of my immediate family yet, which is a definite improvement, even though they're making me get up at some ungodly hour to run them to the station tomorrow morning (argh, jetlag, need more sleep!!). As predicted, we've wasted most of the first week with sleeping and flying, although there was a beach and some fish and chips today... I'm already kinda done with playing gooseberry though. Been a veerryy long time since I was travelling en famille, so the reaction when I found the whale watching leaflet was a bit of a shock to the system... Whaddya mean, you don't wanna go with me?!
missing my nice friends who wanna do the same stuff as meeeee....!
Oh, sod it. I'm currently locked out of my own bedroom thanks to Persons who shall remain Nameless. All I want to do is find my earphones and watch True Blood. and apparently, now i have to wait... GAH.