Dec 21, 2006 10:13
Well, We finally had our big ultrasound!!!!! The tech. who did it was extremely rude and made what was supposed to be an awesome, happy experience not such a great one. Seeing my little baby was incredible though. Its soo amazing that this little body is growing inside of me. The arms, legs, fingers, and toes were all very visible. At one point it was even sucking its thumb. For the longest time she said nothing about the gender. I finally asked and she kept trying to get the baby to move until finally we could get a good view.. and sure enough, my intuition was right - ITS A GIRL!!!!! I am so excited. I really didn't care one way or another, as long as it was healthy.
Her name will be McKenna Taylor.. and she is expected to arrive mid May. I could not be more excited and anxious about anything! I can't wait to meet her :)
I finally survived and made it to Christmas break as well. This week was CRAZY. 3rd grade was responsible for the Christmas play this year... so we had that going on, as well as parties, and just utter chaos. Kids get so wild and crazy this time of year. But, its over and I don't have to go back until Jan. 3rd. I'm very happy to have the time off to relax and to get this house really really clean. Hopefully someone will come along who wants to buy it real soon.