Dec 09, 2005 15:56
Ten things that make me HAPPY!
1) That this semister is over and I have passed everything! No more projects, reading for world lit, tests, etc. or at least more a month.
2) All of my roomies...I love them all and can always cheer me up no matter what. We spend so much time laughing at all the stupid and crazy things we do.
3) All my friends back in conyers. I miss them all so much and can't wait to see them again.
4) Listening to RENT 24/7 in our apartment!!!! We have the whole thing memorized.
5) All of our crazy boys here in m'ville. Oh wow they are something special. Tonight we are going out with them for Travis's good-bye party...oh goodness what will they do tonight?
6) When I call Tristan "Sparky", He likes it despite what he says.
7) Cooking and baking...yay! I am making a cake right now for Travis.
8) My family. I really do have the bestest family ever and love them to death. I feel so lucky to have such a close relationship with all of them.
9) My other family here in m'ville, Mom (Kim), Pops (Richard), Sisters (Morgan and Amy), Grandma (Ashley), Uncle Phillip.
10) BUBBLES!!! YAY!!!!!!!! + watching Lacey chase after the bubbles.