It was worth a shot

Feb 06, 2008 10:12

Well, fund raising is not my forte, so I am throwing in the towel on the job with TCE. Stacey offered me one last chance tonight to raise the $150 minimum, but I just don't want the job that badly after doing it for a week. I learned a lot, and now I know how to do canvassing, but I just don't feel like I can do a consistent $150 + per night average.

It's tax season though, everything will be fine. I'm going to go apply at every coffee shop in the city over the next few days. Something will give. The economy is Austin is actually very healthy compared to the rest of the country.

In other news, I can't find my tennis shoes and it is rather cold outside for sandals. Also, I have cedar fever and can't stop sneezing. I think I am going to go bug Patrick at the market today.


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