(no subject)

Nov 27, 2004 18:42

These last tow weeks have been really bad. LIke I don't know any more. MY aunt just had liek a massive heart attack and she's only like 39. MY real dad up in VA was in a bad car accident. So me my mom, melissa and my dad went up too see him.I expected him to be in alot of pain etc. BUt, come to find out he can't even breath without help from a machine, he has so many freakin tubes in him its unbelievable. They also have him on so much medicine that he's consicous but his eyes are shut, he has no idea whats going on and like he can't respond, and the doctor said that most likely he wont rememer that we were even there. The doctor was tellin us everything that was wrong and she said that with his condition he only has 30% chance to live.
I didnt think it would ever be that hard to see someone in that state of being. But man it sucks.ITs like i'm trying to stay strong in front of my mom and sis but its hard too. Well on this deppresin note im out. WIsh him the best. Thanks luv yea. L DUB u besta call me when u see this!
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