Note to self: for April resolution, update LJ more, even if no other update to share.
Hello darlings! This is just a Monty-Python's-Search-For-The-Holy-Grail-Esque "I'm not dead!" post. You know, where I promise that a) I'm still around; b) I haven't abandoned any of my stories; and c) I still love you all, truly madly deeply.
I wish I had an update to share, I really do (
ravenna_c_tan, if you're reading this, I am very, very sorry that after all that pretty begging for an extension on
hp_tarot I still haven't finished my fic...).
As some of you probably gathered through my long stretches of inactivity interspersed with whining and bitching, my RL has been a little psychotic lately. Nothing that makes me particularly special, I don't think, just your normal twenty-something angst about life, the universe and everything else. However, it has got me down, which has certainly affected my writing (how am I suppose to write about veela and man-bags when I'm filing bloody TPS reports all day?!).
There is good news, however: I'm in the process of sort of "overhauling" my RL, making some changes that will hopefully lead to happiness, fulfillment, puppies, rainbows, and the meaning of life. Or, you know, more free time to write hot gay sex *g*.
In the meantime, I'll try to update more, because I've meet some awesome people via lj and email and I miss you guys. And I really, really hope all of you are doing awesome!
Take care y'all!