*pokes head out of MS Word for a moment*
Hello all! So, I have braved the waters of my first business trip! And found them...absurdly uneventful. It's like work, only in a different city. And without my bloody ASSISTANT! Ugh.
Anyway, just letting y'all know that I'm home and am writing away for
hpqfac (thanks again to all my lovely sponsors!).
Now, the question:
How much Vertigo do you really want to read? You may have noticed that as of January 31, Chapter 7 had over 10,000 words and IT'S ONLY GETTING BIGGER. There are a few scenes that I've written that don't really advance the plot, but are just Harry/Draco stuff. So I can either:
a) Cut the scenes and keep Vertigo at the promised 8 chapters
- 0R -
b) Keep the scenes, slice humongous Mr. Chapter 7 in half, and have 9 chapters (yes, this means you would get an update very, very soon).
*goes back to writing*