Mar 06, 2006 16:31
For those of you who dont know, there's a new person who is stalking my journal. Appearently, he found my lj via a blog search on google, adn from there got my sn, and decided it would be a good idea to IM me. It's odd but then again I'll bet you only he understand the reason for this. Many people have told me to block him, but it seems rude. I dont know why but if he starts asking even remotely personal questions, I'll not answer them. That is, if i recognize them, I've been slow latley, and expecially my personal fitness partners have weasled some info out of me. Although, he said he lives in Canada so if he says he want' to meet with me, I'll know something's up. adn I'm not that stupid, I dont answer to those types of comments. If I die in the near future, blame him.
Let that be a warning to you Greg Verch from Ontario. It's jsut that I've been stalked before on this site, adn I'm a paranoid freak. Interperate my paranoia as you will.
From now on I'm keeping all my entries to friends only view. And I've taken all the potentionaly harmful info off this site.
Sorry Random Blod Reader and Greg, but if you want I may accept you as a friend so if you want to continue to read, gimme a livejournal name thing.