Feb 12, 2006 23:01
hello all
life is has been pretty awesome lately
i love my friends
i feel like im getting back where i belong
i hope things at school get better- i dont want 3 great years to be ruined by a few bad months and bad decisions and bad actions- i dont approve of everything no matter what though i will still say i love mount!
the olympics have started! yay!
i officially know where i am going to college...tcu and rooming with jessica...im really excited! thats a huge relief
scuba diving lessons are almost over...that is exciting too
so i was sitting in church today and got to thinking...
all people are the same no matter what we say...nobody is better than anyone else...no group of people is better than another, there are bad people of all kinds and good people of all kinds, there is absolutly no way you can stereotype or categorize people, people all over the world are the same, im tired of this "them" and "us" thing, it makes no sense, we all came from the same place and we are all going to end up in the same place, why do we separate ourselves in between these times, we can all learn from each other, some people live there whole lives on the right path, they have so much to offer others and people can learn so much from them, but then there are the people that it took a long time for them to come around, they have experienced so much, people can learn just as much from them, its not like they are "bad" people, just different, no one is better than anyone else, we are all the same but all different in our own ways...i dont know if that makes sense but i think if people could accept it things would get a lot easier