A little riddle to start of this post: What is red and yellow and blue and purple and white and sore all over? Yap, me!! Ever since I layed Pain(t)ball on Monday.
Don´t get me wrong, the shooting and hunting down Dennis parts were actually fun but I really could do without bruises like the ones I got.
What was really painful though was being the 7th wheel. Seriously, if I ever again decide it´s a somewhat okay idea to go anywhere with J&C and T&Flipper and Dennis and his new girlfriend just shoot me!
But on to better things: Yesterday I had another training day coz as of Friday I will be manning (or womaning? girling?) one of the tills at the park. I´m gonna be selling tickets and stuff which means I get to screw up in totally new ways! YAY!!
Yesterday was okay though. Millie - who trained me - is really fun and sweet and she let me do a lot on my own, only chirping in when I was lost (not like my horrible driving instructor who would always tell me to shift when my hand was just about to move...) and she actually clapped me on the back and said I did a good job. And Sigga (aka Big Boss) was also like "It´s gonna be okay." And I´m never gonna be all alone anyway...but yeah, still nervous and kinda scared that I´ll screw up...
And I´m also pretty sure that I´m gonna miss working in the SeasonTicket station. Turns out I actually started to like interacting with people on that superficial level...
And in other news: I´m totally stuck with my BigBang - again. I have 3 more scenes to write and while I have them all planned out I can´t get them down on paper. I partly plan the fact that I din´t get to spent as much time at university - where I always wrote A LOT - as I used to. But it´s also because I have about a thousand plotbunnies bunnying around in my head at the moment ...all stuff that drag my thoughts away from werewolf-plotting. *sigh*
Well, I´m just gonna keep staring at my fav wordfile, correct some typos and grammar stuff, think about a title and maybe write one of the NC17 scenes...