(no subject)

May 03, 2005 14:46

I guess I just feel weird. Everything is fine, everything is good even, I guess. And as Kristin and I talked about over dinner last night, there is just so much going on in everyone's lives. And given certain situations that some of my friends have been thrown into lately... I'm lucky, I really am. I just want to enjoy the last 13 days of school. Yah that's right. 13. But it's like... kind of an empty feeling? I'm thankful for my family and soooo thankful for my friends even if things have been rocky lately, but I want something more. I don't know what though. It's kinda like... you believe in something for so long... and it consumes your thoughts and just because there's that hope... everything is ok. It doesn't even have to happen as long as that faith is there. I never believed in anything so strongly. And then it's gone and you go through the stages- denial that it's real, being angry, being hurt, and then you're left with the worst feeling ever: nothing. You invest so much and it's gone, that dream is crushed. Yeah, nothing sucks.
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