Mar 24, 2008 08:56
i hope everyone had a good easter :) i went up to ogden on saturday night and came back on sunday evening. i went up there with kenny to visit his brother that just moved up there, we had alot of fun. i haven't posted for a very long time so i dont really know what to talk about, on the 22nd was the year anniversary of kenny and i's first date. so we have been together for a year now and that year seems to have gone by fast for me. i have lost 20 lbs since feb 8 and i want to lose some more before the wedding in august.
i cleaned my entire house between friday and saturday... so nice to have it clean :) i have been playing rock band alot. and diner dash, and puzzle quest and harvest moon. i just got word jong and i think it's alot of fun too. i made easter eggs with kenny last night and i enjoyed it. they are sitting on my kitchen table. i have been reading alot of fruits basket manga... since i finished the series on dvd last year i have up to book 17 and there are 23 total. i read the twilight series by stephenie meyer and loved it, i can't wait for breaking dawn coming out in august. i have all of these ideas for my wedding and i hope i get them all organised before july. i probably better get off this site because we are getting busier. talk to you later :)--jenn