Oct 02, 2009 10:31
last friday i got to see marilyn manson at the metro center.
i didn't really get too excited about seein em, or work myself up in any way. i use to be such a huge fan back in the day but i wasn't really into em after the 'antichrist superstar' days when they turned all glam n the original members left etc..
i thought i'd better go see em to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams by seein em live.
so i went alone that night, took a taxi. went in n got down on the floor not tooooo far from the stage. i didn't know twiggy was back in the band..i hadn't really been payin much attention to em for many years..so i was VERY happy to see him up there, and ginger the drummer was back as well and he's one of the original guys..and o course manson the singer is the same lol
ok the ENTIRE show all i'm tryin to do is get to the FRONT row ok lol
i got knocked down i think only twice.. but my head sure took a poundin..i NEVER made it to the front..the first couple o rows were so crammed together i just couldn't squish..
so i gave up eventually and just go beaten up in the mosh pit lol
when the show ended i headed outside n lit up a smoke n just kinda stood around..i walked down the road a bit n i was gonna call a taxi to go home but noticed a big bus that was running..so i stood by it, and repeatedly was told by security to back awayyyyy from the bus. so i stood around the back of the bus knowin it was the bands lol
i saw two other girls standing and staring at the bus and went up to ask them if that was mansons bus and they said yea..and one of the girls went up to the driver and asked him if we could meet the band and he invited us all over to their hotel lol
so basically we waited for the band to get on the bus, then we flagged down a taxi, and rode BEHIND their bus the whole way to their taxi, one of the girls just threw a 20 at the driver n told him to NOT LOSE THAT BUS HAHHA
he even ran some red lights hahah
it turned out the entire taxi ride costed FOUR DOLLARS hahah
so we get there n the bus unloads n TWIGGY leads us into the hotel all inviting n stuff
like we're all good friends or something lol
we hang in the bar until the band starts to show up, marilyn stayed up in his room with his girlfriend though coz he was in a bad mood..pffff
twiggy n ginger were the first to come to the bar, then the other guys
i didn't know chris vrenna was in manson, but i guess he's been in the band for about 4 years or so?? he use to be in nine inch nails n has done a bunch of other stuff.
their bass player didn't look remotely familiar to me so i didn't bother with him lol
ginger n twiggy were the highlight for me..as their faces are just so familiar to me. i made sure they signed my arms so i could tattoo em later, and i got some pix.
it was pretty much unreal hangin out with them in the bar..there was some other fans there so it was hard to keep one of their attention on you lol
although me n chris vrenna seemed to 'click', we kinda stuck together for the rest of the night.
we headed to a different bar after the hotels bar closed, it was a jazz bar or somethin??HAHAH
all these goth people took over it lol
i was still hangin with the two girls i had met at the bus, and gettin to know chris some. he bought me a drink n we got lots o pix..
i won't go into detail too much, but he was really the only guy that i just clicked with right away.
after that bar closed, we headed back to their hotel at around 3am. they were gonna all go to their bus to get some more drinks, and we were supose to all meet up in one of their hotel rooms.. i don't know WHAT happened but we ALL lost eachother, most of the fans got kicked out lol and i guess everyone just went home/to sleep at 3:30.
the girls let me stay at their own hotel that night and we planned on going back the next day to see the band off and to meet marilyn.
we got back there at about 12 noon the next day and just hung out at a cafe, then the hotel parking lot, then we went inside coz it was freezing.. eventually ginger walks by n says hi and sparks up conversation.
we see the bus driver n the other guys starten to load up the busses.
we meet marilyn's girlfriend lol
eventually around 2:30 we head outside n wait for marilyn to come out coz he was supose to leave at 2:30..
he didn't get outside till 3:15 and we all had our cameras ready but the dood with him said NO PICTURES!@$#@$
marilyn has a very pretty girlfriend at the moment.. we did get our autographs, mine on my arm lol, and off he went
oh i did say 'you are a lot shorter then i thought you'd be!!!!!' coz he was! they ALL were! ginger n chris n marilyn are WAY shorter in person lol
he replies 'i cut my legs off'
yaaaaaay..we had a slight conversation lol
after he gets on his bus i run to the next one where the rest of the band will be going.
twiggy is first n sees me n a big smile comes up on his face n he says HI!!!!! n waves all cutely.
the other guys get in and chris gets in last and i have to get him to sign my shoulder blade for the second time coz it kept rubbin off
i think it was two days later i got their autographs permanently tatooed on me
what a mess hahahhaha but it's great memories
i came down with the flu after all this..totally expected though with all the lack of sleep and i was FREEZIN the whole time and jus couldn't relax lol
now, a week later, it's kind of depressing. it was like the funnest time i've ever had in my entire life...and it's gone soooooooooo fast
that's why i had to get their autographs tattood on me, so i could remember it all and feel happy when i looked at my arms n shoulder blade hahha
they'll be goin overseas till x-mas eve.. then i think that's it for their tour
tis sad....but i can do this again maybe someday..i don't know if they'd ever come back to the maritimes but i'd probably travel to montreal at least just to hang out with them, one more time :)