Sep 26, 2004 22:15
STUPID HURRICANES!! no longer grass. It's offically a swamp. The guys across the street from me have this big ass tree in front of their house, that, suprise!is no longer standing. My poor chihahua got all scared this morning and had a really bad seziure, and then panicked afterwords and couldn't breathe, and so my mom panicked and was like "I THINK CHEYENNE IS DYING....I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO." Sooo, I had to go home and try to take care of the puppy. She just kinda shook all day, it was really sad. Just when I FINALLY get her reasonably calmed down, and thinking I can go back to Lisa's...surpise! 65 mph wind gusts. Somehow, I didn't think that would be a good idea to be driving in. Sooo, I keep thinking its going to calm down, and I keep waiting to leave...and then of course, a curfew goes into effect at 10, and it calms down like, a half an hour later. Soooo, I basically was bored out of my mind ALL day, and watched lots of mind numbing TV, and talked on the phone to people, and that was about it. I DID manage to get myself into an Arabic at least it wasn't entirely a waste of a day. But still...hurricanes SUCK! Tomorrow...hopefully going out to be social..and then work. :(.