haven't said much in a while.

Mar 22, 2006 11:07

hehe i haven't said much on here so i guess i should update!  i'll ramble endlessly (this is a lie) about my superb spring break and how's school going w/ me!

i guess i'll start off with my spring break. i went home with my eye being semiswollen. i got told by my roommate to not come near her cause she's really susceptible to pink eye. lovely. my eye itself wasnt weird looking but my lower eyelid was weird looking. but whatever i just wanted to go home. so i drove home w/ my eye being all 'fun.' mom was home and i was like 'i wanna fix my eye.' her response of course was 'let's wait and see if it gets better!' you know i honestly wish my family was like 'let's just fix it now instead of waiting!' unfortunately that doesnt happen at all. saturday morning around 8 oclock i woke mom up and basically demanded to be taken to the er. yay for the er >,< i supposedly got the hot new er doctor according to the nurse and the person who registered me, but he wasnt that hot. so it was kinda sad i guess. i got to take a vision test @_@ it was odd. but then again it probably wasnt much of a vision test because i just had to stand and read one line of print. and i was deemed good. the doctor came in and asked me random questions about my eye. i got weird looks when i said that i could see fine it just hurt >,< so the doctor was like 'lets see if i touch it if it'll hurt!' well he barely touched it so i couldnt feel anything @_@ the retard. i was given fun antibiotics that i had to take 3 times a day. and then on top of that i was told to take 800 mg of motrin every four hours. for those of you who dont know, 800 mg of motrin is 4 pills. yeah like i'd honestly take 4 pills every 4 hours on top of 3 pills of antibiotics. that's like 27 pills a day. i'm lucky if i use 27 pills in a year @_@ so yeah. my eye still sucked and hurt so i ended up skipping a night out w/ sue. that sucks because she doesnt come home often. i would have been able to meet her new boyfriend. ah well.

so sunday my mom decided would be the day we go shopping. i did nothing on saturday but lay on the couch. but sunday was going to be fine to go shopping. yeah i was slightly drugged up and in pain >,< it was a crappy shopping day. mom decided that since i'm graduating soon, aka may, that i needed to start looking now for my graduation outfit. i hate shopping for dressy shit. haaate it. then mom almost kills us because she's turning left into on coming traffic. good job mom good job >.< but i did get hardees out of the near death experience. and i bought the new fma dvd. and a book i think. i'm not sure. my weekend was just kinda crappy >,< so it was sad.

my week then started out w/ work at 9 am. in reality that isnt a bad time becuase i'm used to it cause of class. so no big deal there. holy fuck were they busy at the hospital @_@ i thank god every day when i work that i'm getting an education. i dont think i'd be able to stand working down there for the rest of my life. it's horrible. the nurses are bitches @_@ one of the girls in the department was popping out a baby last week. so she wasnt exactly good to work. another lady decided to get the flu so she couldnt work. so the other girls were ecstatic that i was here that week. i worked and worked @_@ it was horrible. i ran away at one point after staying over an hour extra >,< it was bad. they were getting cranky towards the end of the week. that place is crazy. i like the people i work with though. otherwise i dont think i'd keep going back. so mon-thurs i basically worked and thats really all i did. friday came around and mandi was coming home. yay!!! unfortunately when she called she was so fucking congested from being out w/ smokers it was apparent that if we did something it'd be for like an hour before she had to give in cause she was so bad.

so we wanted til saturday when we watched the final ep of fma and the fma movie. i was kinda disappointed by fma's ending cause the series itself didnt really end. and then the movie supposedly ended it but not the way i would have wanted it. at least it answered a major question that i always had. i wont say the question though hehehehe. if you wanna know ask me over aim!! the fansub of the movie was horrible @_@ there were typos all over the place. i mean honestly, if you just put the script into word you'd get 99% of the errors corrected. i mean 'prohably' isn't near to any real word that it wouldnt have been deemed correct by anyone w/ a 4th grade education. but whatever. the subs randomly wouldnt pop up in the right time. so some subs i couldnt even read cause they were popped up and disappeared so fast. with about 40 mins to the end they disappeared @_@ 3 mins later they reappeared. unfortunately they repeated the last 25 mins subs >,< thank god it was an action part of the movie so we weren't missing much. and when they did talk, you could kinda figure out what was going on by what the characters were doing. so finally we go to a point where the subs caught up to the actual dialogue. if you want opinions of the movie from me you can ask! i was going to do a separate rant but i'm lazy.

so sunday i drove back to school. it was 'neato.' i guess. i am now a tutor for cognitive psych. i might have two different people who need tutoring. i'm meeting with one next monday. this will be crazy. extra money though i guess. if it goes well i'll add extra classes. this is also the week that i'm getting back my three midterms. these tests are going to determine if i go to acen or not. my first test's grading system is fucked. i got a 1.5 on it. anyone wanna guess what the fuck that means @_@ it ends up being an extremely high a, 1 being the highest. so one test down that points towards me going to acen. continue to pray everyone!!! well unless you don't want me to go to acen with you. i think this final is before acen so i didnt really have much worry about this i guess. ok i lied i had plenty of worry. the worst part was the essay hehehe. i suck at writing >,< i wish i could improve but i dunno how i can do that. i think its probably because i dont add in much detail because i deem it unnecessary. i'll just have to start adding in everything and anything i can think of and hope it sounds all right. at least i'm not writing in blobs any more. my old blogs or emails (when i actually emailed people) would just be big blocks of text. kinda like this but imagine all of this rambling as one blob ~_^ people tended not to be happy with those kinds of emails hehehe. i could say shit that was really wacky or important in the center and no one would get it because they got lazy reading half way through.

ok enough rambling i think. in four hours i'm getting another test back. i hope it's an a as well. oh i'll be getting a paper back too in that class. *crosses fingers* i hope you actually read this. i lead an 'interesting' life. i just wanted everyone to know this in case they were wondering.
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