crazy people.

Mar 02, 2006 12:35

i haven't updated in a while so i guess i shall now! my 12 oclock class was canceled today so i was excited! but instead i had to meet w/ my group. of course my entire group wasnt there by 12 like normal >,< but on our way out of our meeting i was told i was one of those people.

i'll tell ya right now i'm using the rich text format of livejournal so i honestly have no idea if this is going to work @_@ but back to my story. we were talking about how the other two girls in my group tend to skip class. they were saying that they feel kinda guilty but not really cause the class is boring as fuck. and i laughed and said i'd probably be there every day cause i learn better in a classroom. i continued by saying that i feel bad when no one answers his questions that he asks. there will be painful silences until he finally gives up and answers himself. i said that if i know the answer i'd answer just to keep the class moving and to save the teacher. one of the girls looked at me and said 'oh you're one of those people.' she said it w/ pure sarcasm like they were the worst people ever. i dont see anything wrong w/ attempting to keep the lecture going. those pauses can be rather awkward when no one answers. so why not help the teacher out? apparently people look down upon it.

so this got me thinking, what else do i do that makes me one of those people? i remember when we were at flying j and that random guy said something bad about being catholic. cara defended me and said that i was a good person. but it makes me wonder, what kind of views do people have on the things that i am? is it shocking to think that i might be the evil catholic? or i'm the kind of person who will answer a question when no one else will? i dunno. i dont really understand it. i hate that labels tend to fly about everywhere. and it seems that i can be on the wrong side of a stupid label. catholics are like these bad ppl who are hardcore into their religion and everyone else should just die or something >,< i'm not like that. and i'm not some bratty know it all student that takes away the spot light from everyone because i want everyone to know how intelligent i am. i could get into the connotations that anime used to get but that's an entirely different story.

i dunno i guess people are weird. i try not to judge people based on what little category they're supposed to fit into. it'd be kinda sad and depressing if thats how everyone lived their lives. there's so much more that cannot fit into those damn categories. i guess this is just something everyone has to struggle w/ and try to figure out on their own. or else they just dont give a fuck >,<

i really dont want to be one of those people. unless it means that i fucking rock ;p
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