Jul 18, 2003 01:51
I've had this journal for quite some time now. I go to update it and stuff ... and all of my entries are gone. Which really sucks because I had some decent ones in here. But yet it kept the color scheme... lol. Oh well.
So many things to talk about, so little time before my hand starts to cramp up. I suppose that anything that pops into my head first will do ... so I'll start with work.
I'm beginning to think that all places of employment in Station Square really suck ass. I hated the clipper and I hate jersey's. I understand the fact that not everyone can help you with your part of your job.. but when someone/people is/are walking around doing absolutely fucking nothing, that makes me a little angry. I was scooping today, and had told Ryan a million times that my wrist hurt, and that I needed someone to help me scoop. Of course that didn't happen. Why would it? I never need any help. A customer even commented today that there were 2 other girls there besides me that could've been helping other customers, but I was the only one that was there. There were about 20 some people waiting to be served. I can only work so fast before they get tired of waiting and leave the store. One would think that would prompt a manager to get his employees on the ball so that we don't lose sales. I guess Ryan is just a special manager :\ This isn't the first time that this has happened, so I think that I'm gonna talk to the General Manager tomorrow or Saturday about this whole situation. If he doesn't do anything, I'll be finding a new job. I would really kill for a job that I can keep for more than a year.
I'm still not sure what I want to major in for college yet. I sent in my application, but I didn't fill in the declaration of major spot in. I was hoping to talk to one of the counselors about it hoping that they'd be able to decide for me. I have one or two ideas, but I'm not sure what their title would be. I just hope I don't get screwed over because I picked the wrong thing.
I'm finally going to be getting a new (okay.. well new to me. it'll be used) car in September. I've looked around at a lot of them and have finally decided on this silver 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier 4D. Then maybe I can go visit my Aunt Rose in Georgia without having to worry about buses or planes. This can work out really well as I'm going to miss her badly :(
I got hamsters on Sunday. One attacks it's reflection in the glass of the tank, and the other doesn't have a foot. Both of them are real winners lol.
Speaking of pets.. my sister still hasn't had her baby yet. Her OB/GYN said that her baby is full grown and that she can go at any time now. Her due date is August 11th, but I really don't think that she is going to last that long as she's really, really big. I think they're probably going to end up doing a c-section on her. To me, I think that she's gonna be too small to deliver naturally.
My vacation to Ocean City was really really REALLY relaxing, and all too short. I went down there by Greyhound *growls* so that I could claim the room. It was only me going down because Tim had to go to his brother's graduation party ... and he was coming down the next day. Turns out that once I got there, I went to this phone that is strictly for use to phone a taxi. This lady was there and she was saying that she had to go to the same rental place that I had to go to. I asked her if she'd just send 2 taxis, but she ended up telling me that we'd split one. Which was perfectly fine with me. The more money I save, the better lol. So we get down there and get our key's and stuff and she told the driver that she had to go to 12th street. My apartment was on 6th street, so I told her that I'd just walk the rest of the way because I wanted to go on the Boardwalk anyway. We get to her apartment and I asked her how much I owed her, and she said nothing at all. She proceeded to tell me happy birthday and to have a good vacation. Proving that this is a small world, the lady was from Brentwood. She only lives about 10-15 minutes from me lol. Anyway, I got all settled in at the apt. and called my parents and stuff to let them know that I was okay. Tim got there at about 2am. The next day we did some major walking on the boardwalk and came home to have cake and ice cream. We didn't get any candles so me, Tim and Rachael came up with the idea to use forks and knives to equal up to 19. It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen. I'm gonna have to scan the pictures after I get them developed. The rest of the trip was really nice. I got more sand in my swimsuit than I wanted to, but at least I was at the beach. I haven't been that relaxed in a LONG time.
On a deeper, less exciting note.. my Mom just found out that my Aunt Roni could possibly die soon. If she doesn't get a quadruple BI-pass surgery for her heart, she could possibly die within a year. My Mom isn't taking this very well at all. I have a feeling that her and I will be taking a trip to Arizona. It really sucks, though.. I always wanted to go to AZ, but never under circumstances like that.
Oh.. and back to my sister. I am somehow the maid-of-honor in her wedding now. I went from not being in it, to being a bridesmaid, to not being in it, to being maid-of-honor. It's a really stupid ass reason though. The only reason why I have this position is because my dress doesn't match the other girls. What kind of reason is that?! Anyway, almost everything with the wedding is almost done. I have a feeling it's gonna turn out really nice :)
I drove a stick shift yesterday. I swear I thought I was going to die lol. I was only driving for about half an hour but I managed to make it stall about 5 times lol. I could not get the hang of it. It freaked me out that it drifted a lot. I also didn't like how it violently shook whenever I made it stall. My dad just wanted me to have the basics down if it ever came down to me absolutely having to drive a stick. I definitely think I'll be driving an automatic for the rest of my life, though lol. I'm definitely spoiled by an automatic car and am proud of it lol.
That's about all I can think of for now. I'll update later.