- with a legacy of a beautiful and happy family. A marriage of 67 years.
- as the person who always greets you with a huge smile and a hug, like you're the only person in the room
-as the teller of cute and funny, never offensive, jokes
- as the person who always writes and speaks encouraging words. Notes in the mail, e-mail, etc.
- to worry and ask about others and not complain about your own troubles
- always seen holding hands with your spouse
- welcoming everyone to your house
- initiating and being the change that you want to see. And backing it up.
and I could go on
This is what I'm thinking about today.
Yesterday I recieved a few messages about an elderly couple who I adore. Clyde and Luella. They were the ones listed above. WONDERFUL WONDERFUL people.
Yesterday morning their house exploded early in the morning. Maybe you saw the news story.
http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/1149026,frankfort090608.article Their bodies thrown into their back yard. Nothing left of the building they called home.
A lot of the neighbors homes now too are gone or will be gone. My old church is housing the Red Cross for help right now.
its really weird to think about.
But if anything...they went together. Quick and painless. (I hope). No long illness. And with a really positive legacy.
Prayers for their friends and family. And their neighbors too.